The 21st youth infringement theatre festival ran from may 8 to 12 in the arts court theatre. The Jury Choice award was given to Tortues, Orgasmes et fin du monde.
Welcome to the Winderwall Circus by Ivy Klaassen
A circus diverse in the way of story and personality come together for a tour after four years of working together. Everyone has a story for how they ended up there, or how the Circus changed their life, but one thing remains consistant. The creators of the Circus, Lizzy and Leonard Winderwall are two very special people. With the opening night of the tour upon them, each member of the Circus takes a walk back memory lane one more time.
Director: Claire McCracken
Stage Manager: Eve Beauchamp
Actors: Vanessa Morris, Shreyas Batra, Émilie Camiré-Pecek, Sheldon Parathundyil, Harley Wegner, Nathan Campbell, Nicholas Hepner
Bang, Bang! by Matthew Godfrey
Scarlet, a downtrodden bartender, finally takes control of her life and stands up to her cruel boss, accidentally killing her in the process. Now with blood on her hands, she is faced with the inquisition of a detective and a journalist. Scarlet does her best to manipulate the two, pitting them against each other in a fatal showdown. But only Dee, the detective, walks away in the end.
Director: Aaron Cooze
Stage Manager: Nina Pottorrs-McMahon
Actors: Nathan Campbell, Shreyas Batra, Olivia Piercey, Adira Delicate
Stage Hands: Damon Woznica, Michael Evans
The Last Eight Minutes by Rachel Stanley
In other news – the sun has just exploded. There are eight minutes left to live. Do you, A: Unbutton your cufflinks? B: Propose to a worm? C: Stab someone? D: Give birth? E: Take your spaceship and run for it? It’s a somewhat inconvenient situation, and one which twelve people have to deal with in The Last Eight Minutes in ways that are both silly, charming, and ultimately hilarious.
Director: Kosta Diochnos
Stage Manager: Thalia Paterson
Actors: Robin Breiche, Sarah Ashton, Aisha El Shennawy, Andy Kellie, Mika Argyle
Tortues, Orgasmes et fin du monde par Emmanuelle Gingras
Tortues, orgasmes et fin du monde est une pièce qui aborde les limitations du langage politisé se détachant de toutes généralisations. On y cerne un personnage au vocabulaire arriéré, sans le filtre, reprochable et conscient qu’il l’est. À fleur de ses émotions suite à une rupture, celui-ci réévalue son humanité et crée un lien entre la dégénération environnementale justifiée par l’amour en soi et les relations sociales à petite échelle; l’importance accordée au monde des idées éclipsant le monde matériel. //
Turtles, Orgasm & End of the world is a play which addresses the limitations of political language and stands out from all generalizations. The character has an archaic vocabulary, lacks any filter, is reproachful and conscious of it. At the height of his emotions following a breakup, he reevaluates what makes him human and creates a link between environmental degeneration justified by love in itself and small-scale social relations; the importance given to the world of ideas overshadows the material world.
Metteur en scène: Jean-Christophe Yelle
Régie: Rosalie Lacroix
Comédiens: Maxim Racicot
Lollipop by Joshua Terpstra
A friend feeling distant seemingly without cause. A girl who refuses to make amends with her mother and is looking for something abroad. A young man working through an onslaught of new feelings and dealing with an emotionally unavailable roommate. Someone trying to find her place in the uncomfortable uncertainty of first year university, wondering if she should just go home. One week, one dingy café, and a few lollipops. And at the end of it all? Sometimes the quietest of actions have the loudest results.
Director: Rachel Stanley
Assistant Director: Jessica Garang
Stage Manager: Kassia Skorzewska
Actors: Jake Nevins, Seth Thomson, Emily Hachmer, Sine Robinson
Each On Our Side by Rebecca Kempe
Steph’s city has just undergone a major economic collapse, and the effects are starting to snowball; people are losing jobs, money is running out, and the city is rapidly shutting down due to lack of funding. Steph’s mother has just lost her job, and her personality is going haywire. Steph’s father has begun to work longer and longer hours... or so they think. Will Steph be able to figure out his relationships within the external confusion and uncertainty?
Director: Izzie Sollis Lozano
Stage Manager: Kai Corrigan
Actors: Tim Mayhead, Eve Edwards